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Holding Hands


Your Well-Being Is in Good Hands


You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.


Maya Angelou




Serving Patients Since 2010


My name is Dr. Palak Kothari and I am a licensed clinical psychologist servicing the state of California.


Many of us are enduring different struggles, often with a similar underlying process. One that involves: fear, resistance, escaping, trying so hard, and eventually feeling stuck. Though our struggles may differ on the exterior, the underlying process is what often reflects our perspectives and emotional health. Addressing instead of resisting our challenges can deepen our confidence in our ability to work through them. Ultimately, this has the potential to bring us to a more vital, compassionate, and grounded existence.


Whether it's trouble with falling or staying asleep, loss of relationships or heartache, childhood or recent trauma, trouble getting out of bed, nightmares, or anxiety about the future; ultimately, the lens through which we view and understand our struggles can profoundly change how we work through them.

My goal is to help you to process and befriend difficult emotions, foster awareness, and create more lasting joy in your everyday life. With this, we can learn to understand, appreciate, and trust ourselves in a way that offers clarity and healing.


According to the American Psychological Association, "Clinical Psychologists apply the discipline's scientific knowledge to help people, organizations and communities function better." Through the use of evidenced based therapies, holistic awareness, and collaborative treatment efforts, my clients have the opportunity to understand their needs, foster patience and self-compassion, and develop healthier habits and relationships that align with their values. My therapy approach involves creating an open, non-judgmental space for patients to allow themselves to feel authentically themselves.

Image by Khachik Simonian


In-Person and Virtual Therapy





Services Catered To Your Needs

I offer virtual psychotherapy via safe and secure technological platforms.


Virtual therapy can feel very much like in-office counseling. Once we begin our work, the screen seems to melt away. As a therapist, I provide to you exactly what you would get from me if we were in a room together, and I make every effort on my end to convey that to you during our time together. 

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Improved Immune System Health

Oftentimes, our digestive health is directly connected to our emotional health. Have you ever noticed that when you are experiencing anxiety, that your body tends to react as well?  Often, if we take a closer look, we may find that we are tensing various parts of our bodies (i.e., abdominal muscles, clenched hands, clenched jaw, tightness around neck, shoulders, lower back). Ultimately, tensing these areas frequently in response to a negative emotional experience, often restricts oxygen from circulating and reaching your immune system; thus, compromising immune/gut health.

More subtly, this can lead to feeling sick more easily (i.e., flu like symptoms, coughing, sneezing, fatigue, loss of energy). More pronounced symptoms may be experienced as as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach pains/discomfort, and other GI concerns that are central to our enteric nervous system.  Therefore, bringing awareness to our immune system health can significantly improve how your whole body functions. Often, this only takes 1-4 psychotherapy sessions that are focused on getting to know your body and what it needs more deeply.

In my practice, I believe it is important to create a space to communicate freely about concerns relating to your gut health. Sometimes, these conversations are are shyd away from with health care providers. I welcome these conversations to help you feel more whole and comfortable in your body.



A Happier, Healthier You

Whether it's trouble falling asleep, interrupted sleep, waking up too early or too late, or trying to "catch up on sleep" on the weekends, it's likely leaving you depleted, fatigued, and sometimes even emotionally exhausted. Fortunately, there are evidenced based approaches that are available to address your unique sleep concerns. Together, we will discuss your bedtime routine, sleep hygiene behaviors, sleep/wake times, and sources of sleep interruption to help create a sleep formula to optimize your sleep health. Treatments that I offer, include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), Nightmare Management, and sleep restriction therapy (SRT).

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Here For You

Going through any form of trauma can be difficult and life altering. Sometimes, the symptoms of trauma don't show up immediately.  Oftentimes, months, years, or even decades later. These effects can bring about complex feelings (i.e., anger, worry, guilt, shame). It's not abnormal to experience a mix of all of these emotions. You may experience physiological symptoms, such as, feeling on edge, recurring nightmares, vivid memories, and general muscle tension.  As a result, you may attempt to avoid all of these experiences all together and begin to feel "numb," detached, and lonely. These experiences can lead to us feeling depleted.  

However, there can be a brighter side to look forward to.


Fortunately, decades of research have gone into creating evidenced based treatments for trauma related disorders, depending on the readiness of the patient.  Research shows us that these interventions have demonstrated significant reductions in trauma specific symptoms to the point where patients can live their life more meaningfully and purposefully.

We will discuss the symptoms of your traumatic experience to help you understand what to expect and potential treatment options available. The evidenced based interventions I offer are: Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged Exposure, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).



Calmness and Strength

Many of us experience anxiety to the point where it begins to interfere with our well-being. When our anxiety begins to influence our well-being, then it's worth considering if closer attention is needed. Whether it's anxiety about relationships, career, health, sleep, existential anxiety, or all of the above, there's approaches that we can take to help moderate the effects of our anxiety. My approach involves looking at and processing underlying emotions that may be hiding underneath anxiety, identifying and understanding the utility of unhelpful thoughts that preoccupy our minds, and identifying simple changes we can make in our lives to help foster calmness, clarity, and groundedness.

Image by Simon Migaj


Freedom is the chance to make a choice of where you place your energy - Easwaran

Our breath is a significant source of what brings healing, calmness, and clarity. Through focusing our attention on our breath, in this moment, we cultivate our ability to heighten our sensory awareness, take the demand off a future point, and create the space to bring awareness and intention to the on-going story in our thoughts. Meditation, or our ability to be Present and Alert, has been proven to have many health benefits, including improved memory and concentration, gastrointestinal health, lower blood pressure, improved asthma, and strengthened immune system function.


I provide meditation classes that focus on breath, vitality, and groundedness. 

Image by Fabian Blank



  • Free 15 minute consultation

  • 50-minute therapy: $240

  • 30-minute therapy: $180



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